
Benefits of a Stronger Immune System

During these crazy times, it is so important to take care of our immune systems due to the mental and physical stress we are experiencing as a result of the COVID-19 virus. We must focus on staying as healthy as possible. Our immune systems help our bodies fight off viruses and bacteria. While there is no guarantee that we won’t get sick, boosting our immune systems, coupled with washing our hands and avoiding touching our faces, can give us a leg up in avoiding these diseases. Here are some important ways to boost our immune systems.

Vitamin C and Diet

With many meats, fruits, and vegetables becoming harder to purchase, it is important to keep our health and immune systems strong with supplements. One of the most important is vitamin C. Studies confirm that this powerful antioxidant supports many immune functions including enhancing our antibody levels and improving how our bodies kill microbes. Experts say most women need 75 mg to 90 mg of vitamin C per day. It is best obtained from foods like red peppers, strawberries, leafy greens, broccoli, and yes, even good old orange juice despite all the sugar in it. Even with all of these food choices, a study of 16,000 Americans found that 33% are deficient in vitamin C; that is one out of every three people. Therefore it is a good idea to purchase a good vitamin C supplement avoiding those with harmful fillers and additives. It also a good idea to limit the amount of alcohol we consume. Surprisingly, one glass of wine or beer a day is defined as moderate drinking. More than that can weaken our immune systems and impair our ability to defend ourselves against bacteria and viruses.


Daily stress is a major contributor to lowering our immune systems. It also releases hormones that affect our ability to fight off infections. Chronic stress can decrease the number of white blood cells available to fight off germs in our bodies making us more likely to get sick after exposure to illness. Meditation and breathing exercises are a great way to alleviate stress. There are many types of guided meditations available on apps like Calm. When feeling overwhelmed, we need to sit, preferably alone, and breathe slowly, listening to our breathing going in and out. It is also important to limit the amount of time we spend watching the news. With all the negativity being shown these days, it can lead to way too much fear and depression. Some people find keeping a journal of their feelings is a good way to let go of daily stress.

Exercise and Fitness

Getting up and moving our bodies every day has major benefits. Studies show that regular physical activity can decrease our risk of getting sick by improving our immune systems. It also enables us to feel better faster by helping us recover from colds. There are many ideas as to why regular exercise is so helpful, mostly involving better circulation of white blood cells as well as flushing germs out of our lungs. Experts suggest exercising most days of the week, whether it is a brisk walk, bike riding, or an online workout.


Many of us have trouble falling asleep at night. The less we sleep, the worse our immune systems are at fighting off germs. Studies show that getting less than seven hours of sleep per night makes us more likely to get sick when exposed to a virus or germ. Sleep allows our bodies to release chemicals that help fight infection. A sound machine is a great aid to help block out noise and soothe us to sleep. Natural supplements like Melatonin are also helpful to some people. Dimmer switches to reduce lighting before bed and avoiding bright computer and phone screens all help our bodies prepare for sleep. A pre-sleep routine of a warm shower or bath, some relaxing meditation or light reading can also help us to fall asleep.

Even during normal times, it is important for us to take care of our immune systems. However, during these stressful times of the Coronavirus and other issues, having the strongest immune systems we possibly can is more important than ever to help us be at our best.

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