
The Importance of a Supportive Network

Being surrounded by family and friends for support during times of both joy and distress is important for our mental well-being. When we are connected and feel responsible for other people, that sense of purpose and meaning encourages us to take better care of ourselves. Why is this so and how can we develop and maintain this supportive network?

The Importance of Having a Network of Family and Friends

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology comprised of a five-tier pyramid of ordered needs. First, our basic physiological needs (air, water, food, rest, etc.) and safety needs (security and safety) must be met. The next stage is to fulfill our social needs of belonging and love (intimate relationships and friends.) We need to feel a sense of belonging to a larger social group and feel socially connected to our family and friends.

We require people to turn to for advice and encouragement whenever we face difficulties. Certain people bring out different aspects of our personalities and fulfill different roles in our lives. One person may bring out our social side while another is a good listener. It is not enough to just have one person in our support network as we may over-rely and exhaust that person or they just might not be available when we need them. It is wise to have a number of strong relationships in our social circle. Having several people can help us to see the same problem in different ways, giving us a more complete picture of a situation.

Social support is vital for life success. Not having enough can have a negative effect on both our health and our careers. Studies show that social support is related to psychological well-being, meaning that the more people feel they have friends and family who are there for them, the less likely they are to feel depressed and anxious. High levels of social support predict greater job satisfaction and longer job tenure.

How to Create a Supportive Network

It is mandatory to put in the time and effort to create and maintain our relationships. Show appreciation for family and loved ones from time to time to remind them of how important they are. A simple “How are you?” or “I’m glad that you are in my life” shows that we care and value them. Keep in touch with friends and loved ones on a regular basis. They will be able to feel our concern and sincerity from the time we spend with them.

Some ways to meet new people are picking up a new hobby and getting to know like-minded individuals who enjoy doing the same activities, joining an interest club, or participating in community activities. Sharing our experiences with people we meet can be the start of new and fulfilling friendships.

Doing it Together

During this time of social isolation, we need the support of our family and friends more than ever to help us come to terms with this situation, console us, help us find some daily joy, and avoid loneliness. Thankfully, we can connect with people by using technology every day to keep in contact. Texting, Facebook, Facetime, and Zoom are just a few of the ways we can stay in touch with our loved ones. As John Donne said, “No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent…” No one is truly self-sufficient. Everyone must rely on the company and the comfort of others in order to thrive. Getting through this together is the way to go and our lives will be that much richer for having faced it with those we love.

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