
Tonia’s Talk – November – The effects of COVID on our lives

What will our lives look like a year from now? I don’t think any of us could have imagined how a virus could create such chaos in the routine of our lives. Illness and even loss of loved ones, staying in our homes, wearing masks, working from home if you have managed to stay employed, and children going to school virtually have become our normal. We have been forced to cancel weddings, graduations, attending family holidays and so many other events that bring us joy. Many people are suffering from loneliness, depression, and anxiety. We all know there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but how long will we be stuck in this pattern of despair? That being said, there are some positive things that have come about during this pandemic and we should make every effort to continue them once this is over.


The pandemic has forced us to find new ways to stay connected with those we love. Zoom has become the leader in modern enterprise video communications. We now have the ability to get together even when we are in different cities or states. We can attend webinars, work conferences, and virtual cocktail parties from our homes. Being home more has also given us the downtime to make these connections a priority. Even before COVID-19, many of us lived far away from family and friends. I hope that we can continue making these virtual connections a priority now that we have the knowledge. Let’s make time for these chats post-COVID-19.


Many employees have dreamed about working from home. Well, now it has become our daily lifestyle. Some of us love it, while others do not. Perhaps when this pandemic is over, working from home will be a choice employees can make. We are already hearing murmurings of this on the news. Employers are seeing that working from home does not negatively affect work productivity and they are also seeing the savings in overhead. Perhaps we will be able to choose jobs that are not local to our homes, avoid relocation moves, and create a better work/life balance for our families.

Home Cooking

Social distancing has created the need to cook from home more often. We can’t run out to get prepared food as easily as we did pre-pandemic. Often, meals prepared at home are healthier because we control the ingredients and how it is prepared. While I certainly miss being able to go out and eat at my favorite restaurant, I also hope that once this is all over, we will continue to cook more at home and eat together with our families. Taking advantage of Instacart and other grocery services as well as prepared meal services that are delivered to our doors can certainly continue to make meal planning and cooking easier once we resume crazy schedules.

Enjoying the Outside

Being stuck in our homes has made us appreciate the outdoors more than ever. Families are taking hikes and walks and exploring nature. Not only is this great together time, but it is also getting us off our couches and outside moving our muscles in the sunshine. This outside time together should be kept as a priority once we are able to come and go without restrictions. Getting our kids off the electronics and outside is a win-win situation.

These are just some of the ways we can keep the best and leave the rest once we are through this pandemic. It gives us new ways of life to enjoy and we can look forward to a better future. Here’s hoping we find a great way to spend Thanksgiving with those we love this year.

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