
Tonia’s Talk: Struggles Of A Work/Life Balance

Women today are trying to juggle it all and are finding that it’s not that easy. Many of us deal with the demands of work/business, family, home responsibilities, philanthropic work, and finding some personal time for ourselves. At times I feel like the Energizer Bunny because I am doing ten things all at once and other times I feel like I’m overwhelmed with no steam left. I am not looking for sympathy by any means and I am not claiming that my life is any more demanding than other women’s lives. I chose my career and love what I do. But there are days when I just want to shut the door and retreat for some peace and quiet; well maybe shut the door halfway. I often wonder how much longer I can continue at this pace without burning out. Here are just some of my daily tasks and how I am leaning to balance it all. I am sure many of you can relate.

The Office

Running a business, especially working with primarily women, is not easy. Yes, we as women are demanding sometimes! There is so much involved when you are running a business, dealing with employees, and working with clients. My work team requires a daily pep talk and frequent assistance throughout the day. Since the pandemic, this has morphed into dealing with employees in the office and some at home. I have to keep my energy high to motivate them. During the day, I also deal with clients on the phone; most happy and sometimes a few that I can’t please no matter what. This can be draining, and requires me to be positive and polite at all times, even when I sometimes just want to hang up the phone! But as we all know, you get more bees with honey and a respectful and upbeat attitude pays off. In addition, there are the daily business concerns and worries about economics, computer troubles, office issues, etc. that require my constant attention.

P.O.W.E.R. Magazine

Putting a quarterly magazine together is a full-time task requiring the help of many people. I have to make sure our cover girl is the perfect fit, find interesting women to feature who exemplify what P.O.W.E.R. is all about and make sure we cover all the contents needed in each issue. While my editorial staff works on preparing articles, questions, and preps by getting photos and other information needed, I still have to oversee it all to make sure the magazine is up to my standards. Then there are the publishing deadlines and other time-sensitive things to deal with so that the P.O.W.E.R. Magazine is in the mail on time.

P.O.W.E.R. Talk Radio, Video, and Talk TV Podcasts

I love doing podcasts and talking with interesting women about their special talents, whether they are celebrities, icons, or hard-working everyday women. However, there is a lot of effort that goes into making a successful podcast. I need to come up with just the right topic and questions for each guest, and make sure they are comfortable with the discussion. Even after completing so many podcasts, I still need to review each one so I am prepared. Then of course, I need to be dressed with hair and make-up so the video will look professional. The logistics of videoing have to be set up also.

Blogs and Articles

Writing my monthly blog for powerwoe.com and my website, toniadecosimo.com requires much though and effort. I try to find topics that are interesting, timely, relevant to our members and readers, and still fun and exciting. Often there is research needed to confirm data included before sitting down at the computer to actually write. There are reviews and rewrites before the blogs are put up on the websites. I also prepare articles for Thrive and Medium as often as I can. I feel these venues offer great information and like to be a part of them.

Extra Tasks

During different times of the year, extra seasonal tasks develop. Right now, I am working on planning our 2021 Gala for P.O.W.E.R. coming up in the fall. I have to confirm a venue, set a menu, prepare speakers and presenters, events, swag bags, invitations, and many other steps to get this event ready.

Balancing All This with My Personal Life

Balancing work /personal life can become overwhelming. But if we can’t find some type of compromise, we will burn out and be unable to accomplish our daily tasks and goals. For me, compartmentalizing is the key. I need to divide things into sections and categories. Then, time management is vital. It is defined as the process of intentionally structuring our schedules to best serve our goals. It requires strategically organizing tasks to maximize productivity. Good time management means organizing our time intentionally and prioritizing activities that most efficiently advance us towards our goals and honor our values. As we rise up the ladder of success, it feels like our time shrinks. The more successful we get, the less time we have to know when to say “yes” and when to say “no,” and figuring out how much time to budget for each task. My number one time management tip is to schedule the time to be mindful of what needs to be done and decide what’s most important. Multitasking is an important skill but can backfire sometimes. I define my goals, list my activities, prioritize them, plan my schedule, and have developed strategies to help keep me on track. Being busy doesn’t mean you are being productive. Taking the time to prepare is very important. Of course, there are days when disaster strikes and the schedule is lost, but if I can keep most days on schedule, I am doing well.

Once I have left work, I shift into “me” time, where work does not interfere. Occasionally, there are work-related phone calls that occur after work (my husband hated me taking work calls once I got home but I sometimes deal with clients all over the country and some international), but for the most part, I do try not to drag work home with me. I need to make a definition between my personal and business worlds. This is the time for me to focus on my family and home life. I enjoy cooking, especially while sipping on a glass of wine! It is my saving grace. Cooking requires me to focus on the task before me, and I can let go of the work day rumblings in my brain. I love to relax with family and catch up, plan a social night out to catch up with my gal pals, or just call a friend. My favorite emotional outlet is shoe shopping. I channel my inner Imelda, and love to look and try on shoes. This brings me joy. I also enjoy perusing my favorite websites and will put some new clothes in my shopping cart to consider for future purchase. Self-care is also important to me. I know that if I don’t take care of me, I can’t help anyone else. Skincare, haircare, and a nice manicure on the weekend helps recharge me for the work week to come. Sometimes I will schedule a definitive period of time on the weekend to devote to work-related planning when necessary, but I make sure that I stay within the time limits I have set. My stepchildren are all grown, but I have friends with young children so I know of the demands of kids’ schedules that require our efforts. I think the same strategies of compartmentalizing and time management can work here too.

There are weeks where the balance becomes skewed, but if most weeks allow enough time for both work and me time, I feel I have accomplished my goals and am a better person for it. No matter what we do, we have to accept that nothing is perfect. There is always going to be a wrench thrown in somewhere and unexpected things occur. We all have to learn to go with the flow sometimes and let go of the little things. I would love to hear some of your strategies for creating balance between work and home life.

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